Andreas Loeschner-Gornau
German Artist

Sculpture Bust PLA

Online Store

Older ArtWorks:

Work Until-2011

Work 2012-2016

"The Boxer"

Sculpture bust

PLA acrylic paint 30cm


Sculpture bust

PLA electroplated copper Patina 30cm

"sleeping Venus"

Sculpture bust

PLA electroplated copper Patina 30cm

"The Vision"

Sculpture bust

PLA acrylic paint 30cm

"Mona Lisa"

Sculpture bust

PLA electroplated copper Patina 30cm

"Burned out"

Sculpture bust

PLA acrylic paint 30cm


Sculpture bust

PLA electroplated copper Patina 20cm

"The shudder"

Sculpture bust

PLA acrylic paint 50cm

Sculpture bust

"The Boxer" PLA acrylic paint 30cm

Sculpture bust

"Daidalos" PLA electroplated copper Patina 30cm

Sculpture bust

"sleeping Venus" PLA electroplated copper Patina 30cm

Sculpture bust

"The Vision" PLA acrylic paint 30cm

Sculpture bust

"Mona Lisa" PLA electroplated copper Patina 30cm

Sculpture bust

"Burned out" PLA acrylic paint 30cm

Sculpture bust

"Nefertiti" PLA electroplated copper Patina 20cm

Sculpture bust

"The shudder" PLA acrylic paint 50cm
The material from which these busts were made is called PLA. PLA is a bio-based plastic - Polylactic acid, also known as poly(lactic acid) poly, lactic, acid or polylactide (PLA), it is a thermoplastic polyester. The sculptures were coated with copper (electroplated) and chemically patinated, or painted with acrylic paint. New technologies open up new formal solutions for the visual artist. You can find more information on this at the pages "Statues made of PLA".artistic body that is irreplaceable from an other.